Project Manager 專案管理師


公司名稱: 奧義智慧科技 CyCraft

1. Good at both English and Chinese. 良好的中英文能力 2. Strong communication and coordination, problem solving, and project management skills. 具備良好溝通協調、問題解決及專案管理能力 3. Good at paper writing and presentation skills. 良好文件製作撰寫與簡報能力 4. Know about government cybersecurity policies and practices. 瞭解政府資安規範和實踐方式 5. IT or cybersecurity background is an advantage. 具備IT或資安背景者則優先考慮 6. Having a PMP certification would be better. 具專案管理證照PMP 尤佳 7. High EQ, Good communication skills, detail-oriented, and well-organized. 高EQ,善於溝通,注重細節,做事有條理 8. High self-discipline and staying on top of deadlines. 在任務進度上具備高度自律的特質 9. Possess a proactive character 具有積極進取的特質 10. Good at Project management related tools and Microsoft office software. 擅長專案管理相關工具和微軟Office軟體 11. Familiarity with cybersecurity products and features would be a big plus. 熟悉資安產品和特性則佳。 1. Assisting in project-related tasks, tracking and reviewing tasks, and verifying delivery quality. 協助專案相關工作、任務追蹤與檢討,及成果交付品質確認 2. Communicating project requirements and details and presenting project contents and plans to customers, supervisors, and team members. 溝通專案需求及細節,向顧客、主管或團隊成員簡報專案內容與計畫 3. Tracking and reporting the progress of individual projects to ensure that each project meets the schedule and quality plan. 追蹤並彙報各個專案工作進度,確保各專案符合時程與品質規劃 4. Promptly responding to customer needs and questions, and timely reflecting and tracking the progress of problem handling. 及時回覆客戶需求與問題,並適時向上反映並追蹤問題處置進度 5. Development of project plans and project bid documents aimed not just at government agencies but also at large enterprises. 針對政府機關以及大型企業,製作專案計畫書及專案投標文件 6. Other tasks assigned by the supervisor. 其他主管臨時交辦事項



