BC - Senior Backend Engineer
- Collaborating with mobile developers, hardware engineers, data scientists to polish the existing awesomeness and build new features.
- Design and implement APIs to support of front-end services and help create highly scalable, flexible, and secure backend.
- Design, develop, and deployment of new components concerning our service.
- Participating in code review, design review, story estimation, and prioritization processes
- 5+ years’ experience in skills highly proficient in Golang, Python, Rust
- Experience In AWS or GCP
- Experience with SQL optimization, such as Relational DB (PostgreSQL, MySQL) or NoSQL
- Extensive REST API development experience
- Experience in unit test, CI/CD, distributed system architecture
- Data Science or Machine learning engineering experience is a plus
iN Search卓恩管理顧問有限公司,為台灣精品級人力資源整合平台專注人力招募、教育訓練和人力派遣等多元化服務。透過專業的獵頭顧問及完善的人才資料庫,以高效率的團隊合作,使客戶與求職者獲得最有效準確之趨勢與資訊,以創造出更優質的專業服務體驗。-2025-03-04