iN Search 卓恩管理顧問有限公司
BC - Senior Backend Engineer
Responsibilities| Collaborating with mobile developers, hardware engineers, data scientists to polish t...
1,800,000+ TWD / year
BC - Senior Java Engineer
Responsibilities| Design, develop, and test Java applications to ensure high performance and reliabilit...
1,100,000 ~ 1,500,000 TWD / year
BC - LLM Engineer
Responsibilities| Design, develop, and iterate on prompts for LLMs (conversational AI, content generati...
1,300,000 ~ 2,000,000 TWD / year
BC - Senior Frontend Engineer
Responsibilities|Design, develop and improve Frontend architectures.Develop reusable UI compon...
1,000,000+ TWD / year
SL - Product Validation Engineer 【美商公司 | 全球領先EMS供應商】
Requirements Perform server testing, including OS compatibility, hardware...
60,000 ~ 80,000 TWD / month
SL - Senior Infrastructure Engineer【跨國Web3 | 高薪 | 技術導向】
Responsibilities ⚫ Architect and implement AWS infrastructure using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles</p...
100,000+ TWD / month